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Our mission at Damon Gettier & Associates is to be your best resource for real estate advice. Whether you are a buyer, seller, or investor, our team of professionals can answer any questions you might have about real estate. Subscribe to this blog to get the latest news on local market trends and receive expert tips for buying or selling a home.

Is the Home Inspector Really Working for You?

  Do home inspectors work for the buyer or the seller? The answer really depends on one simple thing.

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Who does the home inspector work for, the homebuyer or the seller? 

The answer is really very simple. The home inspector works for whoever pays them. 

So, if you negotiate for the seller to pay for the home inspection, then the home inspector will work for the seller and look out for their needs. It all boils down to who writes the check for the home inspector. 

When you buy a home, I highly recommend that you hire the home inspector, radon inspector, water test company, and termite inspector. After all, once you own the home, you are responsible for any issues.

Pay extra attention to the termite inspection.

You should pay extra attention to the termite inspection. Remember, not all termite inspectors are created equal. If you buy a house, do you want any termite inspector or the best termite inspector? We recommend Brad Killinger from Killinger Pest Inspections. He is an honest inspector, which is exactly what you want: someone who will honestly tell you about any problems in the home. 

If you need any recommendations for other home inspections or if you have any real estate questions, just give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!


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